Fetch full text and answered questions put to the government by LegCo member(s).

answered_questions(speaker_id = NULL, member_id = NULL,
  rundown_id = NULL, type = "all", lang = "en",
  from = "1900-01-01", to = Sys.Date(), floor = FALSE, n = 50,
  verbose = TRUE)

legco_answered_questions(speaker_id = NULL, member_id = NULL,
  rundown_id = NULL, type = "all", lang = "en",
  from = "1900-01-01", to = Sys.Date(), floor = FALSE, n = 50,
  verbose = TRUE)



The Speaker ID, or a vector of IDs, as specified in the output from the function `legco::speakers()`. Defaults to `NULL`.


The member ID, or a vector of IDs, as specified in the output of the function `legco::member()`. Defaults to `NULL`.


The starting id of a rundown, or a vector of ids, as specified in the output of the function `legco::rundown()`. Defaults to `NULL`.


The type of question. `'oral'` returns oral questions. `'written'` returns written questions. `'all'` returns all questions. Defaults to `'all'`.


The language of hansard files to search from. `'en'` returns the English version. `'zh'` returns the Traditional Chinese version. Defaults to `'en'`.


Only fetch results from hansards of meetings on or after this date. Accepts character values in `'YYYY-MM-DD'` format, and objects of class `Date`, `POSIXt`, `POSIXct`, `POSIXlt` or anything else that can be coerced to a date with `as.Date()`. Defaults to `'1900-01-01'`.


Only fetch results from hansards of meetings on or before this date. Accepts character values in `'YYYY-MM-DD'` format, and objects of class `Date`, `POSIXt`, `POSIXct`, `POSIXlt` or anything else that can be coerced to a date with `as.Date()`. Defaults to the current system date.


Whether to fetch results from the floor version of the hansard files. The floor version is the first presented version of hansard file in the original language delivered by the speakers in LegCo. If `'TRUE'`, the language option is ignored. Defaults to `FALSE`.


The number of entry to fetch. Defaults to `50`.


Defaults to `TRUE`.