Fetch division(s) (votes) conducted by a given comittee(s) or on a given date or during a given meeting slot. Note that only voting records from the Council, House Committee, Finance Committee and its subcomittees are available.
search_division(search_date = NULL, committee_id = NULL, slot_id = NULL, index = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, ...) legco_search_division(search_date = NULL, committee_id = NULL, slot_id = NULL, index = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, ...)
search_date | The date and time when the division(s) was/were conducted. Accepts character values in `'YYYY-MM-DD'` format, and objects of class `Date`, `POSIXt`, `POSIXct`, `POSIXlt` or anything else that can be coerced to a date with `as.Date()`. |
committee_id | The id of a committee, or a vector of IDs. |
slot_id | The id of a meeting slot. If `NULL`, returns voting records of all committee meetings. |
index | If `TRUE`, returns an index of votes. If `FALSE`, returns the voting record of individual members. Defaults to `TRUE`. |
verbose | Defaults to `TRUE`. |
... | Parameters supported by `legco::voting_record()`. |