Search LegCo member by SpeakerID, MemberID or/and full or partial English or Chinese name.

  search_string = NULL,
  speaker_id = NULL,
  member_id = NULL,
  exact = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE

  search_string = NULL,
  speaker_id = NULL,
  member_id = NULL,
  exact = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE



search string of member's name. Accepts Chinese or English full or partial name. Defaults to NULL.


the id of a speaker at the Legislative Council, or a vector of ids. If NULL, returns all speakers. Defaults to NULL.


the id of a LegCo member, or a vector of ids. If NULL, returns results of all LegCo members. Defaults to NULL.


logical: Whether to look for exact match of the search term. Defaults to TRUE.


logical: Whether to display progress messages when fetching data? Defaults to TRUE.


This is a complementary function to speakers() and member().


Complementary Functions:


The complementary functions work by calling a number of database functions and combining their output, meaning that a function call usually involves multiple API calls. Use with caution to prevent reaching the API’s rate limit too quickly.


# \donttest{
# Lookup LegCo member of SpeakerID 63
x <- search_member(speaker_id = 63)
#> Retrieving records...
#> Retrieved 232 record(s). 232 record(s) available in total.
#> Retrieving records...
#> Retrieved 117 record(s). 117 record(s) available in total.
#> Retrieving records...
#> Retrieved 161 record(s). 161 record(s) available in total.
#> 2 record(s) match(es) your parameters.
# Lookup LegCo member of MemberID 273
x <- search_member(member_id = 273)
#> Retrieving records...
#> Retrieved 232 record(s). 232 record(s) available in total.
#> Retrieving records...
#> Retrieved 117 record(s). 117 record(s) available in total.
#> Retrieving records...
#> Retrieved 161 record(s). 161 record(s) available in total.
#> 2 record(s) match(es) your parameters.
# Lookup members with "ting" in their names
x <- search_member(search_string = "ting")
#> Retrieving records...
#> Retrieved 232 record(s). 232 record(s) available in total.
#> Retrieving records...
#> Retrieved 117 record(s). 117 record(s) available in total.
#> Retrieving records...
#> Retrieved 161 record(s). 161 record(s) available in total.
#> 2 record(s) match(es) your parameters.
# }